I’ve recently upgraded this blog to WordPress.org from WordPress.org. I have more control over the site design now, and am working out which widgets I can add. The design shouldn’t change too much, but you may experience my tinkering over the next few weeks. Aren’t you lucky.

The novel hasn’t gone away. I recently had it reviewed by an independent literary consultancy: the reviewer said there was a lot to like but there were some issues. I agreed with most of the comments, and am revising my manuscript. This takes time but value is being added. One criticism was levelled at my sentences; I was over-using comma splices and single clauses. I’m hunting these down each night; hopefully they’ll soon become an endangered species.

New sentences should flow a little more easily: making my writing a little less obvious. I hope to pass the images in my mind into the mind of my reader.

Once the re-work is done I’ll be sending the book out to agents again.

Do feel free to sign up to my mailing list – there’s a link at the bottom of the page.


Cheers, Kevin.