Manuscript incoming…

I’m now certain my novel ‘Lightmaker’ will come out before the game ‘Star Citizen’, even though I’ve only been writing for five years. Lightmaker’s script has returned from its final copy-edit, and is currently with the proof-reader. Mid-April 2020 looks promising for an Amazon release; there may be a book launch party in Oxford.
My copy-editor said…
“I really enjoyed the story and the thinking behind it. It’s one of those stories where the surface-level plot is engaging by itself, but you feel like there are lots of layers of meaning to dig into, a bit like Philip Pullman. I’m a real advocate of ‘It’s not what you know, it’s how you think’, so Phos’s character definitely appeals to me.”
…so that’s promising.
Should mid-April be too distant you can sample my writing in my almost-free short collection of short stories, “Go When the Light Turns Red”. Download a copy from Amazon for 99p today. The Sci-Fi and Fantasy Reviewer blog reviewed the collection, and one quote stands out…
“Go When the Light Turns Red is an enjoyable and deeply entertaining debut from author Kevin Elliott. The four stories in the collection demonstrate a consistently high quality of writing, blended together with a real flair for imaginative science-fiction and fantasy story-telling. This is a strong and incredibly promising start for an author competing in such a crowded genre, and I look forward with great interest to seeing what Elliott comes up with next in his writing career.”
Being called ‘Elliott’ reminds me of my nauseating schooldays, but to clear my mind I’ll write more soon and post an introduction to ‘Lightmaker’. I’m working on a sequel, but quality takes time, so it won’t be out this year. Much like Star Citizen.
Until my next post,